Ramadan 2023

Lucidity الصفــــاء

Stations of the Qalb: The Seekers Heart on the Path to Rabbaniya
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Addressing the ailments of the hearts is a staple of spiritual conversations in all masjids. Talking about the expressions of a spiritually healthy heart is uncommon. This month of Ramadan, in a series titled "The Stations of the Heart", Tarbiya's imams will embark upon an ethereal journey, inspired by Ibn-ul Qayyim's masterpiece:  مدارج السالكين or Stations of the Seekers, covering one station of the heart each night, stations that enable the heart to gradually and steadily ascend towards Allah (SWT) on the path of Rabbaniya.

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Author: Navera Rehimtoola
Categories: Stations of the Qalb