Your Purpose in Life

An Inspirational Evening with Dr. Ahmed Bangura & Sheikh Alauddin El-Bakri

Muslims make up about three-quarters of the population of Sierra Leone, but only recently, with the help of the Ihsan Foundation, is the first Muslim hospital finally under construction. The Ihsan foundation works to make a difference in the lives of the people in the West African region through educational, humanitarian, and healthcare projects. It's sure to be an inspiring evening with Sh. Alauddin El-Bakri and Dr. Ahmed Bangura.

Dinner will be served, childcare will be provided

Saturday, February 4th, 2023 @ 6:30 PM - 9:00 PM
Tarbiya House Roseville

screen shot 2022 04 23 at 6.24.59 pm
Sh Alauddin El-Bakri
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Dr. Ahmed Bangura


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