Ramadan 2024


May Allah (SWT) always bless us with days to celebrate our faith and our growing community.


Eid Mubarak from Tarbiya Institute! We pray that this Eid ul-Fitr will be a beautiful and unforgettable one. Alhumdulilah, we are excited to share that this year, Eid ul-Fitr will be held as a Unity Eid prayer and celebration on Wednesday, April 10th. We are excited to join forces with our fellow organizations to promote unity, peace, and solidarity within the Muslim community.

Prayer and celebration will be held at Cal Expo with takbeerat starting at 9:30AM, prayer at 10:15AM and celebration at 11:00 AM.

We need volunteers - if you are interested in volunteering the day of please leave your information with our Office Managers. Please arrive early to plan for parking and spread the word far and wide!